World's first
liquid nootropic

based on scientific-research



if each day you could rely on:

  • Deep Focus
  • Sustained Productivity
  • Relentless Drive & Energy
  • Enhanced Memory & Learning
  • Clear Mind & Balanced Mood
  • Improved Cognition
  • Faster Thoughts
  • Little to no Eye Fatigue

All while safeguarding & improving your long-term brain health and cognitive performance.

Now you can.

with just 1 shot a day. NeuroShot™


How Will Neuroshot Amplify Your Success

Let’s face it - maintaining focus for prolonged periods day after day can be a monumental challenge. This very struggle is often the thing separating most people, who never achieve their goals, from the top performers, who win regardless of what endeavor they pick.

How much more successful would you be if you could eliminate brain fog, ignite your drive, and uphold laser-like focus for hours on end - all without the inevitable crash from stimulants like caffeine?

That's precisely what we envisioned. And with NeuroShot, YOU now possess the key to turn this vision into reality - doing what needs to be done regardless of what the day has to offer and propelling your journey towards success.

Achieving great things often relies on the power of your memory - recalling vital information when you need it, learning new skills, retaining knowledge for quick decision making, etc. But in a world overflowing with information, our memory is facing a bigger challenge than ever before.

When it comes to memory, we mostly rely on genetics, a few of us have excercised our memory in specific domains, but… what if you could amplify your memory retention as a whole?

This is exactly what NeuroShot is engineered for. We've crafted NeuroShot to enhance your memory - helping you absorb new information like a sponge, and retrieve critical details at a moment's notice.

In the pursuit of success, the power to think clearly and maintain a balanced, positive mood are invaluable. A clear mind paves the way for innovative ideas and effective decision-making, while a positive and balanced mood fuels persistence in the face of adversity.

Imagine if you had a reliable aid that not only decluttered your mind, providing crystal clear mental acuity, but also helped in harmonizing your mood, making you feel confident and positive as you stride towards your goals.

This is the fusion of mental clarity and mood enhancement that NeuroShot presents. It's your secret weapon for a clear headspace and buoyant spirit in the relentless pursuit of success.

Success isn't just about having great ideas; it's about making them happen. But it's easy to lose motivation when faced with roadblocks or fatigue.

What if you had a steadfast source of energy and motivation, a daily booster to keep your drive alive, propelling you forward in the face of adversity?

That's precisely the power we've encapsulated in NeuroShot. It's the push you need when the going gets tough - a potent blend of motivation and energy to support your success.

In the age of screen dominance, eye fatigue is an all-too-common adversary, potentially slowing down your progress towards success.

Not only does it cause discomfort, but it can hinder your focus and negatively affect your health overall. Imagine if could maintain your focus on your screens, on your books, or in your meetings without the slightest hint of eye fatigue.

While it’s not possible to eliminate eye fatigue completely, NeuroShot comes really close. It's a tool for those who set their sight on success and never blink until they achieve it.


We demanded the absolute best, and nootropics on the market fell short. So we pioneered the world’s
first liquid nootropic
stack! It was no easy task, but we made it possible.

Liquid vs Capsules

  1. 3x superior absorption
  2. 1 shot vs over 10 caps daily
  3. Quick action, lasting impact
  4. Convenience on the go


months of R&D






Enhance mental endurance and reduce fatigue

  • Help focus, concentration, and mental clarity
  • Support neuroprotection and brain health
  • Improve memory and cognitive function
  • Enhance physical performance and overall vitality
  • Increase the body's ability to buffer acidic waste products
  • Elevate overall well-being and cognitive potential
  • Beta-Alanine, often associated with athletic performance, is used in our nootropic formula due to its various benefits for cognitive enhancement.
  • One of Beta-Alanine's key benefits is its ability to reduce fatigue and enhance mental endurance. It achieves this by increasing the body's levels of carnosine. Carnosine is a dipeptide that acts as a buffer against acidic waste products. By buffering these waste products, Beta-Alanine helps sustain mental energy and focus during challenging tasks for your brain.
  • Furthermore, Beta-Alanine is known to elevate focus, concentration, and cognitive clarity. It does so by modulating the levels of neurotransmitters like gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and serotonin, which are crucial mental clarity and mood regulation.
  • Beyond its immediate cognitive benefits, Beta-Alanine may also support neuroprotection and brain health. Some research suggests that it has antioxidant properties, potentially shielding the brain from oxidative stress and age-related cognitive decline.
  • Additionally, Beta-Alanine's influence on muscle endurance and physical performance indirectly contributes to cognitive enhancement. By enhancing physical vitality, it ensures that the brain receives more oxygen and nutrients.

Carnosine is linked to the Latin word "carnis," meaning "flesh" or "meat." This connection to meat is interesting because carnosine, which contains beta-alanine, is naturally found in higher concentrations in the muscles of animals, making it somewhat fitting that beta-alanine has a role in muscle performance enhancement.

📚So far, hundreds of studies have shown that citicoline will:

  • Improve cognition
  • Increase brain energy
  • Speed up formation of brain membranes
  • Increase production of ACh
  • Improve memory and learning
  • Decrease age-related cognitive decline
  • Enhance the release of neurotransmitters (such as norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin)
  • CDP-Choline (also known as Citicoline) is a naturally occurring source of choline present in every cell in the body that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier.
  • What makes Citicoline special is that once it's digested, it separates into cytidine and choline.
  • The choline is needed to synthesize acetylcholine (ACh). ACh is a primary neurotransmitter in our brain. In the central nervous system, ACh has a variety of effects on adaptability, arousal and reward. ACh has an important role in the enhancement of alertness when we wake up, in sustaining attention and in learning and memory.
  • The cytidine, on the other hand, is converted to uridine once it gets to the brain.
    When neurons communicate and choline is scarce, they often extract choline from cell membranes. This is where uridine comes into play; it repairs these same cell membranes, ensuring the neurons remain intact.

Even attempting to reach a meaningful amount of citicoline through your diet would mean you'd have to only eat organ meat like liver and brain. Unfortunately, even if you're willing to do that, the result would be poisoning yourself by overdosing with Vitamin A and heavy metals, before you reach any effective doses. You can only reap the benefits of citicoline through supplementation and even then, most companies skimp on the doses and purity to keep costs low. Fortunately, each NeuroShot has the optimal dose of highest purity citicoline for maximizing its nootropic benefits.🍽️

📚Similar to citicoline there are hundreds of studies showing that Alpha GPC will:

  • Improve memory and learning
  • Increase cognitive processing
  • Increase production of the neurotransmitter ACh
  • Boost development of new brain cells
  • Increase alertness and clarity of thought
  • Decrease age-related cognitive decline
  • Boost development of cell membranes in the cerebral cortex (also known as gray matter)

Alpha GPC, like citicoline, is a source of choline that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier. Alpha GPC is naturally occurring in the brain as a byproduct of PC (phosphatidylcholine). When choline (to learn about choline see our post on citicoline) is running low and your brain needs more, it breaks down PC from cell membranes, which is later turned into Alpha GPC.
This is one of the reasons Alpha GPC supplementation stands out from other sources of choline. Instead of forcing your brain to scavenge its own membranes for choline, you are supplementing it exactly with the type it needs.

Both Citicoline and Alpha GPC are sources of choline. However, the reason we decided to include both in NeuroShot is that they both have unique additional benefits. Using both not only offers a more comprehensive approach, but also some people absorb one form of choline better than the other. Including both makes NeuroShot more universally effective.✅

📚There have been over a dozen peer reviewed-studies on Lion’s Mane brain benefits since 1991. So far, they found that Lion’s Mane:

  • Helps with maintenance, survival and regeneration of neurons.
  • Improves memory and cognition
  • Stimulates neurogenesis - the creation of new neurons
  • Boosts neurotransmitters related to learning, memory and mood
  • Helps remove brain fog for higher mental alertness
  • Improves anxiety and depression symptoms
  • Enhances your immune system and provides neuroprotection

Lion’s Mane is a medical mushroom native to North America, Europe and Southeast Asia. Most of Lion’s Mane nootropic effects come from it stimulating Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the brain. NGF is a complex of proteins primarily involved in growth, maintenance, proliferation, and survival of neurons.
Lion’s Mane has two unique NGF stimulants - hericenones and erinacines which easily cross the blood-brain barrier.
Also, Lion’s Mane contains high amounts of the antioxidant beta-glucoxylan and other polysaccharides and polypeptides, making it significantly beneficial to our immune system.

Did you know that it is said to be used by Buddhist monks in the form of tea🌱 for thousands of years to heighten their ability to focus during meditation.

📚Numerous independent studies have found that NALT can:

  • Increase levels of the neurotransmitters dopamine, norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline)
  • Boost cognition especially in stressful situations
  • Help you reach “the flow state” faster
  • Improve decision making, working memory and creativity
  • Remove neurotoxic quinones
  • Improve sleep quality and help you deal with stress
  • Improve executive function in those with ADHD

NALT is the more bioavailable form of the amino acid L-Tyrosine. Once inside the brain, it is transformed by enzymes into another amino acid called L-DOPA (L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine).
After that, L-DOPA is used to synthesize dopamine, part of which is also converted into norepinephrine and epinephrine, by the enzyme dopamine-beta-hydroxylase.

Dopamine (known as the hormone of happiness for a reason) enhances our mood, motivation, and attention, acting as a foundation for reward-driven learning.
Norepinephrine, on the other hand, heightens alertness, bolsters memory functions, and is integral to our body's stress response.
Epinephrine is our body's natural energizer, priming us for quick reactions and sharpening our focus in high-stress situations.

N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine (NALT) is like a backstage generator during challenges for your brain. When we're under stress, our brain's demand for neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine increases. NALT ensures that the brain has the necessary building blocks to produce these neurotransmitters efficiently. This can lead to enhanced mental clarity, improved focus, and resilience against the mental fatigue that often accompanies prolonged stress and work. Our highest quality NALT inside NeuroShot will give your brain its turbo boost needed in those prolonged work sessions.⚡

🧠Research on Bacopa Monnieri have shown that it:

  • Helps your nervous system deal with stress
  • Boosts memory
  • Improves electrical signaling between neurons
  • Helps rebuild damaged neurons
  • Helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases
  • Moduletes levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin

Bacopa Monnieri is a herb naturally found in India and Southeast Asia. It increases brain health and function in several ways. The two main ones are through the effects of bacosides A and B, which improve the signaling of electrical impulses while also repairing damaged neurons, and the regulation of stress related enzymes and proteins (namely Hsp70, PROD, and EROD).

Did you know that the nootropic benefits of Bacopa Monnieri were also found in ancient Ayurvedic texts. It was recommended to devotees to help them memorize long passages of texts.

📚Magnesium-L-Threonate can:

  • Boost neuroplasticity for enhanced learning and memory
  • Enhance ATP synthesis for increased brain energy
  • Act as a neuroprotectant against neurodegenerative diseases
  • Improve mood
  • Relieve symptoms of ADHD
  • Restore and maintain brain plasticity
  • Support cognition, recall, and memory
  • Support optimal sleep and relaxation

Magnesium is essential for our cognitive health, but Magnesium-L-Threonate is especially effective as a nootropic. Unlike other forms, it's specifically designed to cross the blood-brain barrier, ensuring the brain receives the magnesium it truly needs. This unique ability makes it a standout in the world of nootropics. Once inside the brain, magnesium has the vital role of maintaining neuroplasticity, which is the forming and reforming of neural connections (basically how you learn things and form memories). Magnesium controls the ion channels, or the electrical switches for signaling.

Magnesium is also vital for ATP synthesis. 20% of your body’s total ATP is located in your brain. For ATP to be biologically active it needs to be bound to a magnesium ion and turned into Mg-ATP. Most of the ATP in the brain is used to send signals between neurons while the rest is used for cellular maintenance. Without the proper amount of magnesium, your brain cannot produce ATP and all brain functions begin to break down.

While magnesium is found in foods like green leafy vegetables and nuts. Not all magnesium is equal. Magnesium-L-Threonate is the only type of Mg that crosses the blood-brain barrier and therefore, has a nootropic effect. It's not just about having magnesium; it's about having the best magnesium for the job. 🌱

What is interesting about L-Theanine, is that you can actually see its effects on an EEG scanner, since it's one of the few nootropics impacting brain waves.

Studies on L-Theanine show that it will:

  • Calm you without making you sleepy by boosting alpha brain waves
  • Positively effect theta brain waves, helping with creativity
  • Improve concentration and thinking ability
  • Boost important neurotransmitters improving cognition and memory
  • Protect your brain from overstimulation

L-Theanine is one of the few nootropics known to impact brain waves. It easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, reaching your brain 30-45 minutes after consumption. Once there it boosts alpha brain waves associated with relaxation and concentration, and theta brain waves associated with creativity and relief from trauma. Other than its effect on brain waves, L-Theanine also impacts the release of neurotransmitters. Research shows L-Theanine increases serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, while reducing glutamine, which is associated with stress and tension.

L-Theanine is naturally found in green tea. However, traditional green tea may contain as low as 5 mg of L-Theanine per cup, meaning you would have to drink a total of 30 cups of green tea in order to consume the amount in a single NeuroShot.

Studies show that the combined effects of Lutein and Zeaxanthin help with:

  • Protecting against age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
  • Filtering harmful blue light and reducing glare
  • Enhancing contrast sensitivity
  • Shielding the eyes from oxidative damage
  • Supporting overall eye health and reducing the risk of cataracts
  • Improving night vision and reducing the risk of vision-related issues
  • Promoting long-lasting visual wellness

Lutein and Zeaxanthin bring a remarkable synergy to the table when it comes to preserving and enhancing your vision.

Their primary role is in protecting against age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss. These carotenoids form a natural shield in the macula, where they filter out harmful high-energy light (like blue light or ultraviolet light) and reduce glare. This selective filtration not only safeguards the retina but also enhances visual acuity and contrast sensitivity.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are also potent antioxidants that shield the eyes from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. This protection extends to the lens, reducing the risk of cataracts.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are responsible for the vibrant colors in some butterfly wings. These pigments are found in the scales of their wings and create the striking yellows and oranges in various butterfly species.

📚Benefits of P-5-P:

  • Enhances alertness, cognition, and energy.
  • Elevates mood and reduces anxiety.
  • Regulates homocysteine levels, protecting against vascular damage.
  • Essential for neurotransmitter synthesis: dopamine, epinephrine, GABA, melatonin, norepinephrine, and serotonin.
  • Helps prevent anxiety, depression, and poor mental performance.
  • Offers neuroprotective effects against neurodegenerative diseases.

Pyridoxal 5′-Phosphate (P-5-P) is the active form of Vitamin B6. It’s a vital cofactor in the synthesis of neurotransmitters, with even mild deficiencies leading to down-regulation of GABA and serotonin synthesis. P-5-P is also said to be one of the most versatile cofactors in the body. More than 140 distinct enzyme activities in your body and brain depend on it.

Furthermore, P-5-P regulates homocysteine levels, which, when elevated, can lead to vascular and neuronal damage. By facilitating these biochemical processes, P-5-P ensures the brain's health and functionality.

Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P-5-P) is the bioactive coenzyme form of vitamin B6. Unlike other forms of vitamin B6, which require metabolic conversion in the liver to become physiologically active, P-5-P is directly utilized by the body, ensuring a more efficient uptake and involvement in biochemical pathways.

Studies on l-methylfolate show that will:

  • Boost alertness and attention 
  • Improve mood and help alleviate brain fog
  • Improve overall cognitive function
  • Improve neuroplasticity
  • Help in the synthesis of most major neurotransmitters
  • Boost brain health and function
  • Help prevent neurodegenerative diseases

 L-Methylfolate is the metabolite of Vitamin B9 (also known as folate). When you consume folate (or folic acid) your body uses an enzyme called MTHFR to metabolize it into l-methylfolate. The problem is that up to 60% of the population has a genetic mutation of the MTHFR gene reducing its effectiveness anywhere from 30-70%, causing folate deficiency in the process.

5-MTHF not only crosses the blood-brain barrier easily, but also bypasses the need for the MTHFR enzyme, giving you the form that can be used right away. 

5-MTHF is needed to convert homocysteine to methionine, which is needed to produce SAMe, a compound involved in various biochemical reactions, including neurotransmitter formation. Without 5-MTHF, levels of SAMe and neurotransmitters decrease, potentially contributing to depression. Furthermore, l-methylfolate is essential for one-carbon metabolism in the brain, synthesizing methyl groups in the process which are used for methylation reactions involving important nucleoproteins, proteins, phospholipids, neurotransmitters and monoamines.

Some doctors report that nearly every patient in their practice has at least one MTHFR mutation. The fact that so many people have such mutations makes L-methylfolate one of the most effective forms of Vitamin B9 you can consume.

Studies on Methylcobalamin reveal that it can:

  • Energize your body and mind
  • Enhance cognitive function and memory
  • Aid in DNA and RNA synthesis
    Support nerve health
  • Reduce the risk of neurodegenerative conditions
  • Elevate mood and alleviate depression
  • Maintain optimal red blood cell levels

Methylcobalamin is a metabolized form of Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin), which stands out as a crucial element in maintaining your overall well-being, with a particular focus on cognitive health.

Methylcobalamin is easily absorbed by the body and is needed in several vital processes, including DNA and RNA synthesis. It is also utilized in the production of neurotransmitters like acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA, norepinephrine, and serotonin, all of which contribute to enhanced cognitive function.

One of its standout functions is its involvement in myelin sheath protection. Myelin acts as a protective shield around nerve fibers, ensuring proper nerve function. This makes methylcobalamin very effective when dealing with nerve-related issues.

Moreover, Methylcobalamin supports mood enhancement by assisting the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters are associated with reducing anxiety, depression, and enhancing your overall well-being.

Did you know that Methylcobalamin is the better choice of vitamin B12 if you are deficient, or have the MTHFR genetic defect which reduces your ability to methylate the vitamin. Studies show that up to 60% of the population has the MTHFR mutation.


Rohaan | CEO, Orangetrail, Featured in Forbes

Johanes | Serial E-com entrepreneur

Mit | Agency owner

Anga | Founder, Digital Agency

Try NeuroShot™ Risk free

  • An unparalleled supplement stack, tailor-made for those who pursue excellence and accept nothing less.
  • Only high-purity, research-backed ingredients in substantial quantities for significant impact
  • Boosts performance with immediate results while supporting long-term cognitive health
  • See the difference yourself! We’re so confident, we offer a risk-free 100-day money back guarantee.

frequently asked questions

Should I take a break?

+ -

We recommend taking 1-2 days off NeuroShot after 5 consecutive days of taking it. If you take it just occasionally to boost yourself a bit, then no break is necesssary

How long does 1 box last?

+ -

In a nutshell, you're in for a wild 10-day ride, as we highly advise keeping your daily dose to just one shot. Now, if you're planning to go all out and use this elixir to supercharge your brain during an epic work hustle or a personal passion project, you can expect one box to fuel you for roughly two weeks of non-stop action. (5 days followed by 2 days off, repeat) For the brain-health enthusiasts, they savor a daily dose of this product, or maybe indulge themselves 1-2 times a week for that extra oomph when needed. These savvy folks can stretch one box even further than the daily devotee. The key here is, it's all about tailoring it to your goals!

Is it safe?

+ -

Absolutely, it's not just safe; it's your brain's new best friend. Our formula is the result of meticulous research, with each ingredient and concentration chosen to ensure both safety and effectiveness. You're in good hands!

What's the taste like?

+ -

Well, brace yourself for a bit of bitterness, but remember, it's all part of the brain-boosting experience! While the taste might have a hint of bitterness (due to bacopa monnieri), the delightful scent resembles sweet peaches. It's like a rollercoaster for your taste buds.

When & How do I know it's working?

+ -

Get ready for a tingling sensation that'll let you know your brain is kicking into gear about 10-15 minutes after the shot. Some folks even report heightened sensitivity to touch or hearing – it's your brain revving up its engines! That "brain full of blood" feeling is just improved blood circulation, and it's a sign that things are happening. But the real proof is in the pudding – you'll look back and go, "Ha! I did have better focus and longer lasting energy."

How much should I take and when?

+ -

We have included the optimal day doses in a single shot so we advise against taking more than one per day. We recommend taking it 10-15 minutes before you start working but there are no ingredients which will hinder your sleep so it can be taken at any time of the day. You can either maximise the impact by taking a shot each day that you’re working, or take it just the days that you need an extra boost.

Can I take a NeuroShot every day?

+ -

Absolutely yes! it's been designed to be an all-in-one daily nootropic blend, and we recommend consistent long term use to feel the greatest benefits. Most people prefer to take a few days off when they are not working. Feel free to take NeuroShot as it suits your lifestyle and needs on certain days - but it can certainly be taken every day no problem!

Do you offer samples?

+ -

No, but since we’re 100% sure you’ll love NeuroShot, we are offering a 100-day money back guarantee, so you can try the product risk free!

I think it's not working.

+ -

Well, it's impossible for it not to work, really. While about 27% of people in our testing groups did not experience an immediate "wow," our formula is like a stealthy ninja working behind the scenes to upgrade your brain. It's not a high-intensity kick like caffeine; it's a gradual improvement. Ingredients like Citicoline, Beta Alanine, N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, and Magnesium L-Threonate are like a dream team for your cognitive function, and even the people who don’t report feeling any immediate boost well benefit from the long term brain enhancing and preserving properties of NeuroShot. By the way, most people find the results to be most noticeable after taking a shot for 4-5 days and then going a day or two without.

Does it contain calories?

+ -

There are 0 sugars in the shot, but since beta alanine is an amino acid, it has around 4 calories per gram like any other protein source, meaning each shot contains around 8 calories. Don’t worry if you’re fasting though, it won’t trigger any metabolic processes that will hinder the benefits from your fasting regime.

Can I take it with other nootropics?

+ -

You can definitely get creative, but remember, moderation is key. We’ve done the heavy-lifting for you and our blend is carefully calibrated in terms of dosages and synergies, maximizing your performance in a very convenient form, so don't go overboard. If you fancy fun experiments - you could try pairing it with things like pycnogenol - the game of nootropics can be like mixing and matching your brain's favorite outfits!

Why subscribe?

+ -

Subscribing is the way to go for maximizing the probability you’ll enjoy significant brain-boosting results! Not only do you get the best bang for your buck, but it also makes it easy and convenient for you to give our product the time it needs to really shine (best results kick in after 2-3 months of consistent use). Think of it as a long-term relationship with your brain – the more you commit, the better the results!

I don't like it, can I have my money back?

+ -

Of course! Your satisfaction is our priority. Just drop us an email at, and we'll take it from there, making sure everything is sorted out. But hey, we're confident you'll be loving it!